jeudi 26 mai 2011

UnWheel2 Demo is now up on

Here is the link to UnWheel2;

We did forget to say in the help file that UnWheel2 defaults to mouse steering; move the mouse to where you want the vehicle to go, and the vehicle will follow. Using the arrow keys will turn the vehicle, but the camera turns more than the vehicle does. The L = Steer Mode Switch, which does change the camera some, but not much.
One of the main reasons we did the demo was to get feedback, especially feedback from UDK developers who can help us add features we are still missing. So be patient with us:P

lundi 23 mai 2011

What in the world Is UnWheel2?

UnWheel2 is a continuation of the UT2004 award winning mod called UnWheel,
developed by "Shrimp" and the original UnWheel team. UnWheel2 was developed
fot UT3 and the Unreal Development Kit by Stevenhorton who did all of the actual
construction of the game assetts and game environments, and tegleg who has worked
 the last year to make everything work on the code side, as well as a hundred other
 fixes and efforts. Our SVN coordination was done by Diego1203.